Monday, August 17, 2009

Love aaj Kal

Tu hamesha correct baat boldethi hi jaanemann!!

So says Saif's character to Deepika's character in Love aaj kal...& lets just assume that's being said to me about this part ;)..

Its been a while since I saw the movie and now I think is the right time to write on it...
Lotta people loved the movie..(thats OBVIOUS..looking at the BO collections) .. Lotta people dint like the movie too (he he..strange how there are all kinds of people!) . I dont set store by the box office cos..well Kambakht Ishq is huge and it was a critical disaster..even reading the story gave me the creeps..leave alone see it! I do go by reviews though..LAK had some mind blowing reviews..some okay ones..I was totally confused on seeing the mind-blowing reviews actually, I dint quite get what they intended to say..Then, I saw the movie..n did I LOVE it or what!!

Lemme go into the fan-girly mode and go on and on about the movie...
It was a beautiful movie with so many layers, subtle sub-texts, some mind blowing scenes, great conversations, some amazing emotions, some great acting and some great lookers!! *wew..I said all that in one go!!*
High points *****
* The 2 parallel tracks..both culminating into similar ends
* Awesome Saif's changing emotions in various scenes...
The scene where Rishi Kapoor asks about Meera to Jai after the casual break-up n the way Saif's expression go from..all's
well to OMG whats happening to looking down right upset..
The shaadi scene where Deepika speaks to Saif and he finally goes..u always force me to do thinks I dint want to like going
shopping n stuff..Why dint u just tell me u wanted to get married then may be we could be married now?
The way older saif waits under the Balcony for a glimpse of Harleen ..the tea sequence..his happiness ..
The way he goes through a gamut of emotions from high to low in the course of a song
The way he realises its Meera when he is mugged
* Certain Deepika gems
Her Earth stopping smile
Her way of poking him
Her earnestness, practical yet sentimental nature.
That one scene where she checks herself out in the mirror..
The scene where she realises, talks to him on the phone and stops herself for his good...
Her drinking that black tea without sugar....
Oh the way she waits for him not knowing whether he'd return (well thats for the character Meera)
Tu hamesha hi correct baath bol dethi hai jaaneman!!

It had such a breezy feel to it.. Its the same old story, where the young hep hero (n heroine) are not believers in true love and forever together until they fall in love..n how!!!

There could be detractors mainly cos
* its old wine in a new bottle (but I saw what a rocking bottle and subtle variations in the wine and ..isnt old wine the best?)
* Married heroine ditched her husband (this may be a little too much for conventional thinking folks..but What the hell is she supposed to do, she made a mistake, she loves someone else..!)
* Slow pace..blah blah (I dint I cant say)

So why am I explaining on the negative points cos I just loved the movie and want to defend it whether right or wrong :))

To me this is how Love aaj kal is...just like Love aaj kal (the movie) ..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How I became a FAN ;)

Everything that happens in life deserves to be blogged. I for one, am always on the look out for topics to write. Well, thats not true, its more like, I always end up thinking about each event, issue or non-issue as a subject. Not very unlike the script-writers go about looking for stories.. ( is cool to compare myself to the script-writers. Of all the people related to the movie making business, I admire the SWs the most.) How on earth do they come up with such brilliant (ok, sometimes really mediocre) stuff. May be not just SWs, some times the dialogues,sometimes the lyrics it all impresses me. I am quite a fan of 'em...
I have been a "fan" of a lotta stuff in my life:)) My life is a big fan book..I'd never heard of the word (oh yeah, I had heard of ceiling fans;) until I was in the fifth standard. Or maybe, that's when the meaning of the word made any sense to me. It was when Bollywood actress Divya Bharathi died in a tragic manner, that I felt immense sadness. I hadn't seen her movies earlier, but when they showed her pics after she died and some interviews, I started raving on and on about how beautiful she was and how young she was to have met with such a fate. That's when my cousin told his sister, look's like she is a big fan of DB. I, who was playing around them stopped and wondered..was I a fan of hers? Not sure..she had my name though, so I did like her,,but a fan? maybe not.. none the less , I dint dispute it and made up my mind to be a big fan of somebody/something in the future. That I did fulfill that wow of mine in different ways , in different phases of life . But thats another story :) Some other time....!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Told u its random stuff

Well..I have written quite a few posts for this blog, but there's one slight problem..nah, not of the technical nature.. I just wrote them in my mind and now I can't seem to remember where I left them in the dump yard of my brain..!
Lemme just make a list of things I want to write about,,
Movies :), stars, books, music, friends, cricket, life, roads, traffic (uughh..the last 2 I'll keep for my serious blog..this is meant to be my FUN BLOG). Cheers!